A downloadable game

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THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE GLORY is a wild west expansion for the PARAGON system from the AGON roleplaying gameA copy of AGON is required for play. For more on the PARAGON system visit AGON-RPG.com.

Well, he's dead. You killed him, you drunk bastard. In front of his wife and boy, too. You're gonna give us that gun now, Tom. You're gonna give it to us, or we're gonna take it from you. One way or the other—you ain't leaving this town. 

You’re a gunfighter. For money or justice, it don’t make no difference—fame and Glory mean just as much, maybe more. If you can’t find none at this town, you’ll try again at the next. Heck, you’ll ride clear across the frontier if you have to…

…lucky you ain’t got to ride alone.

A new take on old west storytelling. 

THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE GLORY is a tabletop roleplaying game for 2-5 players and 1 dealer about a posse of gunfighters roaming the wild, western frontier. Whether as peace officers, outlaws or vigilantes—good, bad, or otherwise—heck, that's up to you! Play to find out as y'all travel from one town to the next, in search of gold and glory. Let them Stars be your guide and know that when it's time to Hang Up Your Spurs or Get Put in the Ground, history will judge you according to your Sins & Virtues.

Didn't I say this here's also a card game? Shoot. Whenever you folks get into Trouble and there's gold & glory to be won, y'all gotta beat the Dealer at a hand of Down-the-River-Glory. The Dealer sets the Stakes and the players wager in Glory to be the Ace-high (best). Over the course of your travels, them gunfighters accumulate as much Glory as they can, enhancing their Name and Reputations, while the posse accrues Gold & Stars—and a Bounty on their heads, if they ain't too careful.

Touchstones: AGON (TTRPG), Deadwood (TV series), Red Dead Redemption (video game series), The Man with No Name Trilogy (films), Dogs in the Vineyard (TTRPG), Blades in the Dark (TTRPG) and many more...

Itchfunding's an alternative to your typical crowdfunding methods, that's more flexible and measured. It allows creators on the itch.io platform to release early-access versions of their games, and make constructions or improvements as funding goals are met. Unlike Kickstarter, there ain't no termination for the campaign or risk that the funding will fail. As soon as you purchase THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE GLORY and claim your reward, you'll secure a copy of the latest playable version of the game! 

Better yet, you ain't just funding the final digital ashcan—you is funding the development and progress of  THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE GLORY game itself. When a funding goal is met, them files will be updated with the latest and greatest, including any additional contents, available for download at your leisure. The first goal is to recoup the costs (dollars and blood, sweat 'n' tears) that's already gone into the development and release of this early-access version. 

In the event that funding surpasses these levels, there's plans for further developments, which include: a Bloody River Trail supplement with additional towns, a print edition of some kind, gunfighter playing cards and custom glory (poker) chips to boot!

Early-access Ashcan

☞ $500 ☜

This here funds what you get right now when you claim your reward! It's a PDF of the latest and greatest ashcan, which includes:

  • ~100 pages of high-contrast content you need to run a game,
  • Stock art throughout and color cover,
  • Character & Posse creation rules,
  • 19 types of guns, 17 kinds of horses, 10 provisions and a ton of gear to scratch that video game itch,
  • Rules for contests Down-the-River-Glory and Paragon System adaptations,
  • Rules for The Reckoning and possible eventuations,
  • Rye, West Georgette: The first town of the Bloody River Trail—with 3 Wars & 1 Score for starters!
  •  Some guidance for running the game (see House Rules below), and even
  • Rules for riding into the sunset.

You'll also get a Gunfighter Character Keeper & Play Aid (Google Sheets) as well as a PlayingCards.io Game Room (setup file) & Guide to get you playing online with your compadres, quicker than you can say Yeehaw!

Folks who claim The Saloonkeeper reward or higher will also receive a Gunfighter Sheet (PDF), a Posse Wanted Poster, Roster & Ledger (PDF), as well as the Dealer's Chronicle (PDF)—everything you need to play at your very own table!

*Once this milestone is reached, 10 community copies will be made available.

Gunfighter QRG

☞ $750 ☜

With them funds, a Gunfighter Quick Reference Guide (PDF) will be included for all who purchase the The Saloonkeeper rewards or higher

Even better, the ashcan will be updated with more examples of play to make it easier to understand and reference all them pesky little rules.

*Once this milestone is reached, an additional 10 community copies will be made available.

Copperton, KA

☞ $1,000 ☜

When funds reach so high, the town of Copperton, Katadena will be added to the ashcan for your posse's visitation! Situated on the Bloody River Trail, this mining town is rife with Troubles just waiting for y'all to take advantage.

*Once this milestone is reached, an additional 20 community copies will be made available.

Aubergine, WG

☞ $1,250 ☜

When funded to here, a third town on the Bloody River Trail will be included in the ashcan—Aubergine, West Georgette. This growing frontier town will be the wildest yet! Aubergine's the last town planned for the final version of this here release. 

*Once this milestone is reached, additional community copies will be made available.

County Map

☞ $1,500 ☜

Over halfway! When funds reach this truck, a map of the counties near the Katadena—West Georgette border will be included in the Dealer's Chronicle. It will likely be included in the ashcan as well, layout permitting.

*Once this milestone is reached, additional community copies will be made available.

House Rules

☞ $2,000 ☜

Not too long now! Funding at this level means important informations and particular details about how to run THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE GLORY, can be incorporated for y'alls benefit. Such things like:

  • Tips & tricks for dealing, handling betting & final say-so's during contests,
  • How to rotate dealers,
  • Differences between dealing one-shots & repeaters (campaigns),
  • Guidance for collaboration, competition and PvP etc.

*Once this milestone is reached, additional community copies will be made available.

Professional Editor

☞ $2,500 ☜

Only 2 more to go! With this there'll be funds enough to hire ourselves a professional editor. That means all o' my negligent mistypings and crimes of punctuation can be rectified for your convenience, or at least downgraded to less eye-watering sentencing.  A boon for us all!

*Once this milestone is reached, additional community copies will be made available.

Sensitivity Consultant

☞ $3,500 ☜

This train is near ours! This here goal is one of particular importance: hiring a sensitivity consultant to help make certain that THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE GLORY is helping to improve our connections to peoples past and present, and not achieving the opposite of this intent. To this glorious end, I consider consultations with persons appropriately qualified to provide indigenous American perspectives and historical context, to be essential.

*Once this milestone is reached, additional community copies will be made available.

Accessibility Consultant

☞ $5,000 ☜

If we take the whole doggone train, it's only fair and proper that  THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE GLORY be in a state in which it can be accessible to most everyone. To do so respectably would require employing someone with adequate expertise. These funds would make this happen.

With all o' that behind it,  THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE GLORY ashcan edition would be complete and something in which we could all enjoy and take great satisfaction. Thank you very kindly for all o' your support on this journey!

*Once this milestone is reached, additional community copies will be made available.

You can find us on the Glory Town Community here and on twitter at @V2Sgames.

Esteemed Members of the Press

If you'd like to review this game on stream, a blog post, or some other channel—please let us know and we'll provide you a copy, gratis! 

Don't disremember to tag us @V2Sgames when you do, so as we can reciprocate and the like, in sharing your content as well.

Support Tiers & Exclusive Content

Get exclusive access to this game by purchasing while quantities last.

The Gunfighter

Thank you, friend! Supporting the game at this tier gives you access to THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE GLORY ashcan (PDF) and all future updates, as well as the Gunfighter Character Keeper & Play Aid (Google Sheets) and PlayingCards.io Game Room (setup file) & Guide, which you can use to play the game online with your compadres!

The Saloonkeeper

Here's to you, partner! Supporting the game at this tier gives you access to:

  • THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE GLORY ashcan (PDF) and all future updates,
  • The Gunfighter Character Keeper & Play Aid (Google Sheets) and PlayingCards.io Game Room (setup file) & Guide (PDF) to play the game online with your compadres, as well as 
  • PDFs of the Gunfighter Play Sheet, the Posse Wanted Poster, Roster & Ledger and the Dealer's Chronicle for print & play at your very own table!

You'll also receive a PDF of the Gunfighter Quick Reference Guide (QRG)  when it becomes available.

The Glory Town Pioneer

It's an honor and a pleasure! As a pioneer of the game, not only do you get access to all the rewards of the Saloonkeeper i.e.: 

  • THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE GLORY ashcan (PDF) and all future updates,
  • The Gunfighter Character Keeper & Play Aid (Google Sheets) and PlayingCards.io Game Room (setup file) & Guide (PDF) for online play, as well as 
  • PDFs of the Gunfighter Play Sheet, the Posse Wanted Poster, Roster & Ledger, the Dealer's Chronicle  and the Gunfighter QRG (once available) for table play, 

But you'll also have your name* acknowledged in the text and immortalized in the Glory Town Hall of Fame.

*V2S Games may decline to publish names if they are deemed to be inappropriate, offensive or inconsistent with the spirit of the publication.

The Donor

That's awful kind of you! Being a donor grants all benefits & privileges due an esteemed Glory Town Pioneer (above) like yourself, while donating a copy to folks in need in The Community as well!

Updating the community copies must be done manually so we'd kindly request your patience if it don't show up immediately.

The Community (Copies)

For folks marginalized or in need, kindly help yourselves to one of them copies over there on the house! Be sure to leave a rating or review to help us out, won't you? Much obliged. 

You will get access to the following files:

THE GOOD THE BAD & THE GLORY Ashcan Edition Early-access PDF 4.1 MB
THE GOOD THE BAD & THE GLORY Gunfighter Keeper & Play Aid
THE GOOD THE BAD & THE GLORY Gunfighter Keeper & Play Aid_all-in-one
THE GOOD THE BAD & THE GLORY PlayingCards.io Game Room 148 kB
THE GOOD THE BAD & THE GLORY PlayingCards.io Game Room Guide 2.5 MB
THE GOOD THE BAD & THE GLORY Gunfighter Sheet PDF 2.1 MB
if you pay $20 USD or more
THE GOOD THE BAD & THE GLORY Posse Poster Roster & Ledger PDF 720 kB
if you pay $20 USD or more
THE GOOD THE BAD & THE GLORY Dealers Chronicle PDF 1.3 MB
if you pay $20 USD or more

Development log

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